Specifically, they’ll need Rocketry, Satellites, and Nanotechnology. After that project is completed the spaceship will travel at 1-light year per turn, taking 50 turns total on the standard speed to reach its target planet. Science victory is the most straightforward path to victory in the game - you just need to ensure fast technological research pace for your empire, and eventually you'll be able to construct and launch the Spaceship. Sid Meier's Civilization VI is among the best turn-based games for Windows and other platforms for this. The goal of the game is to grow your own … Each of these technologies also unlocks a specific project that must be completed: Launch Earth Satellite, and Moon Landing. Well placed Industrial Zone districts, mines, and lumber mills should all be found in cities where Spaceports are built.

Great Scientists earned towards the end of the game stop granting science, and start granting production to space race projects, so be on the lookout for useful Great Scientists.

There are different types of victories in Civilization 6, however, what we will be discussing today is Science. If the player's civilization is lacking in science this is an excellent way to boost its levels, though it does take a number of turns to complete. Unlocked after researching the Writing technology, campuses gain +1 science for every adjacent mountain, +1 for every 2 rain-forest tiles and districts, and +2 for adjacent geothermal fissures and coral reef. The Japan civilization in Civ 6 is led by Hojo Tokimune, who’s in-game agenda is termed Bushido. When settling cities, look for mountainous locations and jungles so campuses yield as much science as possible.

For the most part, the pantheon you choose is going to be based on thee things: terrain, your leader’s strengths, and the type of victory you want to pursue. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Receiving no bonuses in terms of science the best way of getting this type of victory is by going full domination, and then winning by simply having an overwhelming number of cities and (captured) campuses. If you choose the Zulu as your civ, you're immediately tipping your hand that you'll be focusing on military.